Leírás és Paraméterek
Óvoda, iskola ezt a könyvet INGYEN is megkaphatja Free Books for Schools angol könyvprogramunkon keresztül. Pedagógusok, óvodák, iskolák: kattintsatok a Free Books for Sshools fülre a felső menüsorban! Szülők is ajánlhatják gyermekük intézményének
English Description
A pack of 50 quiz cards with over 500 questions whizzing players around the world and back. Skip from country to country and from earth to sky, with topics as diverse as capital cities and customs, flags and food, landmarks and landscapes, people, animals and transport. Includes multiple choice, true or false, odd one out and what am I? questions to keep the whole family on their toes. All the answers are given on five separate cards.
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