Leírás és Paraméterek
Óvoda, iskola ezt a könyvet INGYEN is megkaphatja Free Books for Schools angol könyvprogramunkon keresztül. Pedagógusok, óvodák, iskolák: kattintsatok a Free Books for Sshools fülre a felső menüsorban! Szülők is ajánlhatják gyermekük intézményének
English Description
A clear and straight-talking guide to the ups and downs of the teenage years, covering body changes, mood swings, exercise, healthy eating, self-confidence, periods, bullying, social networking, drink, drugs, stress, STIs, hormones, relationships, sex, contraception, brain changes, feelings, friends, break-ups, fashion, safety, spots, exams...and more. Includes links to carefully researched websites that enhance the information in the book.
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