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Fingerprint Activities Animals

Usborne Publishing Ltd.
5.900 Ft

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Díjnyertes könyv! Creative Play Award 2016

Az Okoskönyv kínálatában az Usborne kiadó egyik sikersorozatának egy tagja ez az ujjnyomatos könyv. Fedett spirál kötése lehetővé teszi a könnyű használatot, a könyv nem csukódik be, miközben a  kis kezek dolgoznak az oldalakon. 7 élénk színű festékpárnával csodás színeket varázsolhatnak a gyerekek ujjacskáikkal az oldalakra. A festék szappanos vízzel könnyen eltávolítható a kezekről, ruháról, bútorokról. Az oldalakon angol nyelvtudás nélkül is eligazodunk, hiszen a képes útmutató segít minket az ujjnyomatos festmények létrehozásában. A festékpárnák nem száradnak ki zsíros állaguk miatt. Tanításhoz, óvodába, iskolába, otthoni játékhoz, időtöltéshez, fejlesztéshez is kiváló. Ajándéknak csodálatos gyerekkönyv.

5.900 Ft

Leírás és Paraméterek

Óvoda, iskola ezt a könyvet INGYEN is megkaphatja Free Books for Schools angol könyvprogramunkon keresztül. Pedagógusok, óvodák, iskolák: kattintsatok a Free Books for Schools fülre a felső menüsorban! Szülők is ajánlhatják a programot gyermekük intézményének!:-)

English Description

This book, with its own brightly coloured inkpad of seven colours, is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting animals from hedgehogs to crocodiles and koalas. Each page has step by step instructions, pictures to complete and lots of space for fingerprinting. With a spiral binding so the book lies flat to make it easy for children to create delightful pictures.

Extent: 64 pages
Dimensions: 220 x 258mm
Spiral Bound ISBN: 9781474914338
Key Stage: KS1, KS2
Fiona Watt started working at Usborne in 1989 and has written and edited hundreds of books including baby and novelty, sticker, art and craft, cookery, science and activity books. She has written all the titles in the award-winning 'That's not my….' seri es and many in the highly successful Sticker Dolly Dressing series. She is the fourth biggest-selling UK children's author, with over 10 million of her books sold in the UK since records began., Fiona Watt is an Editorial Director and writer at Usborne Publishing. She graduated from Exeter University with a Bachelor of Education in Art and Design. She taught for three years at a primary school in Kent, before spending two years at a British school in The Netherlands. She started working at Usborne in 1989 and has written and edited hundreds of books including baby and novelty, sticker, art and craft, cookery, science and activity books. She has written all the titles in the award-winning THAT'S NOT MY® series and many in the highly successful Sticker Dolly Dressing series. She is the sixth biggest-selling UK children's author, with over 10 million of her books sold in the UK since records began.
Winner: Creative Play Award 2016
A great activity book for those who like to get their hands mucky
South Wales Daily Post

A simple idea but well executed to make a lovely creative activity.

Parents in Touch

Look no further for a rainy-day Easter holiday activity... Gorgeou

Angels and Urchins

No extra materials are needed to have fun with this brilliant, inspiring book… so turn the pages, let your imagination take flight and get creative!

Lancashire Evening Post

This wonderfully inventive book comes with an in-built pad of non-toxic inks in all the colours of the rainbow, ready for young fingers to complete the cleverly designed pages... Parents and grandparents won’t be able to resist joining in.

The Daily Express


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2022. 09. 04.
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