Leírás és Paraméterek
Óvoda, iskola ezt a könyvet INGYEN is megkaphatja Free Books for Schools angol könyvprogramunkon keresztül. Pedagógusok, óvodák, iskolák: kattintsatok a Free Books for Sshools fülre a felső menüsorban! Szülők is ajánlhatják gyermekük intézményének
English Description
A box of 50 cards each showing a fun activity, game or pursuit to keep children entertained on holiday. Contains activities which all the family can enjoy together, including outdoor games such as "Piggy in the middle" and "Stuck in the mud", card games such as Cheat and word games such as Hangman. Each card shows a colourful picture of the activity, with clear step-by-step instructions on the reverse. The cards are robust and durable, ensuring repeated use.
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